A Hat with a Bullet Hole - Surviving to tell the story of Gettysburg — The Conservation Center

A Hat with a Bullet Hole - Surviving to tell the story of Gettysburg

A Civil War hat became a memorable account for April Hann-Lanford, TCC's Vice President of Client Services:

“A few years ago, the Wisconsin Veterans Museums brought in a unique artifact from its collection for conservation: a hat that belonged to Major Frederick C. Winkler, 26th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, from the Civil War. During the Battle of Gettysburg, Major Winkler received a Confederate shot through his hat. Fortunately, only the hat sustained injury from the battle—and the Major survived to write about his narrow escape in a letter home to his family. I will always remember this treatment as a piece that not only is a relic from a historic battle, but it has also become a symbol of survival for the soldier who wore it.”
