(left to right)
Sue Massie – board member of the Elijah Iles House Foundation, Anthony Rubano – board member of the Springfield Art Association, Frank Butterfield – Director of the Springfield Field Office, Landmarks Illinois
Cori Stuart – descendent of John T. Stuart, Abraham Lincoln’s first law partner and Mary Lincoln’s cousin
Jane Locascio, past president of the board of the Springfield Art Association, and Phil Locascio, board member of Springfield Art Association
Anne Moseley – Assistant Director of the Lincoln Heritage Museum in Lincoln, Illinois; Susan and Jeff Gibbs – supporters of the Springfield Art Association
Dr. Sandra Yeh – President and Founder of the Prairie Eye and Lasik Center; living history interpreter with the 10th Illinois Cavalry. Dawn Henry – living history interpreter with the 10th Illinois Cavalry
Jon Anderson – member of the Abraham Lincoln Association; Richard Monroe – member of the Abraham Lincoln Association; Mary Shepherd – member of the Abraham Lincoln Association
Erika Holst, Curator of Collections, Springfield Art Association
Chris DeRose – author of Congressman Lincoln; Dr. Sandra Yeh; Dr. Brooks Simpson – historian, author of The Civil War: The First Year in the Words of Those Who Lived It, The Civil War in the East: Struggle, Stalemate, and Victory, and Victors in Blue: How Union Generals Fought the Confederates, Battled Each Other, and Won the Civil War, among others
Steve Myers – Past president of the board of the Springfield Art Association
Erika Holst – Curator of Collections, Springfield Art Association; Betsy Dollar – Executive Director of the Springfield Art Association
Dr. Mark Plummer – retired professor, author of Lincoln’s Rail-Splitter; Robert Lenz – outgoing president of the Abraham Lincoln Association; Heather Wickens – project manager for the Looking for Lincoln Heritage Coalition
Dawn and Ted Henry – living history interpreters with the 10th Illinois Cavalry; Jerry Smith – Vice President, Clayville Historic Site
Robert Stuart and Cori Stuart – Father/daughter – descendants of John T. Stuart, Lincoln’s law partner and Mary Lincoln’s cousin. Robert Stuart is the incoming president of the Abraham Lincoln Association.
Guests marvel the newly restored Lincoln "Courting Couch"